Doorstep Milk Delivery

It’s been a long time (decades, in fact), but glass milk bottles have made a reappearance on my doorstep. And it’s such a comforting sight.

A couple of weeks ago a representative from J & B Dairy knocked on the door enquiring if we’d be interested in having milk delivered. The empty Riverford box in our porch had caught his eye and, of course, we were interested. We agreed on what we’d need and he took our details.

So, as of this week we have been receiving an early morning delivery of glass pint bottles of milk on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Litre bottles are also available (not glass) and the milks also include soya and almond. We have organic semi-skimmed and full fat, with a glass bottle of orange juice and eggs on a Friday. Grocery items can be added – Hovis loaves and free-range eggs – and various long-life juices are also available.

We’ve been on the look out for this service for a while (particularly as we’d heard there’d been issues locally with Milk and More). What’s more the timing could not be better.

For more information please contact Stephen Lovell on 07957 488114 or

Doorstep Milk Delivery
07957 488114

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